Snow Peak Amenity DomePrice : $449.95 (on 6/12/2013)Code : 963221171Category : 4 person tentRating : * Special Price Only for LIMITED TIME, Check Now! FeatureCamping and Hiking Type : TentsFurniture and HammocksDeals : FreeShippingDescriptionThe Amenity Dome is four person tent outfitted with a wide alternate-shaped vestibule room and a comfortable sleeping space. SpecificationSDE-002(××)S snowpeak 5 6/1 23:59 ,(snow peak)& ! 270×270cm ,,snow peak 3 2009812 22 ,snow peak S ,(snow peak)& ! ,Kindle Kindle Paperwhite Kindle Paperwhite 3G 3G snowpeak...
4 person tent